How human sacrifice propped up the social order
“How human sacrifice propped up the social order”, Nature online news, 4 April 2016. Available here.
“How human sacrifice propped up the social order”, Nature online news, 4 April 2016. Available here.
“Review of MEL chemistry sets”, Chemistry World online, December 2015. Available here.
“Throwing the book at bad ideas”, Physics World December 2015. Available here.
“From academic discovery to industrial applications: innovation and success in materials science and engineering”, MRS Bulletin 40(12), 1177-1187 (December 2015). Available here.
“Navigating chemical space”, Chemistry World 29 September 2015. Available here.
“Knowledge and know-how” (book review), Nature 521, 420-421 (2015). Available here.
“The crucible of change” (book review), Nature 524, 412-413 (2015). Available here.