Publications by Philip Ball

Climate change

My article on “Climate change” from the February 2000 issue of Prospect is reprinted in the 2005 compilation Thinking Allowed: The Best of Prospect 1995-2005 (Atlantic, 2005).

Synthetic Biology (2005)

I was an author and editor of the European Commission Expert Group report on Synthetic Biology (2005), available from the EC at Office SDME 01/37, B-1049 Brussels, Belgium.

Water in Science and Scientific Discovery

“Water in Science and Scientific Discovery”, chapter in A History of Water, Series II, Vol. 1: Ideas of Water from Antiquity to Modern Times, eds Terje Tvedt & Terje Oestigaard. I.B. Tauris, London, 2010.

Making Stuff: From Bacon to Bakelite

“Making Stuff: From Bacon to Bakelite”, chapter in Seeing Further: The Story of Science and the Royal Society, ed. Bill Bryson (HarperPress, 2010). Amazon Bestseller (Sales Rank 56 – at time of writing)

Supercool water

“Supercool water”, New Scientist, 1 August 1998, p.30.

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