Author name: uffvir

Reviews: INVISIBLE: The Dangerous Allure of the Unseen

Book cover - Invisible: The Dangerous Allure of the Unseen

“Ball leads us on a very fun, largely chronological journey through invisibility, beginning with myth and early magicians, ending with quantum physics, and stopping along the way at Newton, Leibniz, microscopy, photography, spiritualism, B movies, and science fiction. He is lucid and interesting on every topic he touches, from the ghost in “Hamlet” to those unseen extra dimensions posited by string theory.” Kathryn Schultz, New Yorker (here)

Supramolecular chemistry

“Supramolecular chemistry” (with Jean-Marie Lehn), in The New Chemistry (Cambridge University Press, 2000).

Materials of the Future

“Materials of the Future”, in The Encyclopaedia of Life Support Systems (UNESCO, 2002).

Life’s matrix

“Life’s matrix”, chapter in Water (a compilation) (Hoffmann & Campe, 2003).

Entries in Within The Stone

Entries in Within The Stone, a selection of essays and texts to accompany images of minerals by photographer Bill Atkinson (BrownTrout, 2004).

Molecular Biomimetics

“Molecular Biomimetics”, chapter in Encyclopedia of Supramolecular Chemistry (Marcel Dekker, 2004).

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