Reviews of Time Reborn (Lee Smolin) and Farewell to Reality (Jim Baggott)
Reviews of Time Reborn (Lee Smolin) and Farewell to Reality (Jim Baggott), Observer 9 June 2013.
Reviews of Time Reborn (Lee Smolin) and Farewell to Reality (Jim Baggott), Observer 9 June 2013.
“The Wizard of Houston Street” [review of Tesla by W. Bernard Carlson], Wall Street Journal, May 24 (2013). Available here.
“Mind as mirror” [review of Surfaces and Essences by Douglas Hofstadter & Emmanuel Sander], Nature 496, 424-425 (2013).
“Reinventing Galileo” [review of the RSC’s ‘Life of Galileo’], Nature 494, 428–429 (2013). Available here.
“In retrospect: On Growth and Form” [retrospective on D’Arcy Thompson’s book], Nature 494, 32–33 (2013). Available here.
“Symmetry wars” [review of I Died For Beauty by Marjorie Senechal], Nature 492, 37-38 (2012). Available here.