HOW TO GROW A HUMAN: Adventures in Who We Are and How We Are Made

Front cover of How To Grow A Human: Adventures in Who We Are and How We Are MadeHow To Grow A Human: Adventures in Who We Are and How We Are Made by Philip Ball

On a swelteringly hot day during the summer of 2017, Philip Ball had a piece of his arm removed and turned into a rudimentary miniature brain. This book is his attempt to make sense of that strange experience and to understand the implications of our new-found power to transform cells. If any type of cell in your body can become any other, is it possible to grow not just a mini-brain but an entire human being in a lab, from a scrap of skin? Ball recounts the macabre history of human tissue culture, and scrutinizes the narratives that frame our understanding of our cells and our genesis. At the cellular level, the unlikely process from which a clump of cells becomes a human offers much to marvel at.


Measure for measure

Editorial on the redefinition of the kilogram, Nature Materials 18, 299, April 2019. Available here.

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