THE WATER KINGDOM: A Secret History of China

Book Cover of Water Kingdom
The Water Kingdom: A Secret History of China by Philip Ball

The Water Kingdom takes us on a grand journey through China’s past and present, offering a unique window through which we can begin to grasp the overwhelming complexity and teeming energy of the country and its people.

Water is the key that unlocks much of China’s history and thought. The ubiquitous relationship that the Chinese people have had with water has made it an enduring metaphor for philosophical thought and artistic expression. From the Han emperors to Mao, the ability to manage the waters – to provide irrigation and defend against floods – became a barometer of political legitimacy, and attempts to do so have involved engineering works on a gigantic scale. Yet the strain that economic growth is putting on its water resources today may be the greatest threat to China’s future.

A History Book of the Year in The Times and The Economist


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“No result, no problem”: on the pros and cons of publishing null results. Physics World, May 2016. Available here.

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“Life rocks: what can meteorites tell us about life on and beyond earth?”, Aeon 18 March 2016. Available here.

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