Tricks of the Light
Extended version, with images, of an article on ‘caustic art’ published in New Scientist 30 January 2013.
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Extended version, with images, of an article on ‘caustic art’ published in New Scientist 30 January 2013.
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An article on wonder in science, published in New Statesman 7 May 2012.
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An extended version of an article on animal photonics and physical coloration published in Scientific American, May 2012. Download PDF.
Extended version of an article published in New Scientist, January 2012
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An article on quantum coherence in photosynthesis and related quantum phenomena in biology, published in Nature 474, 272 (June 2011).
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An article on outstanding questions in our understanding of chemical bonding, published in Nature 469, 26 (January 2011).
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“Bright Lights, Bug City” an extended version (with illustrations) of the feature article of the same title in New Scientist, 22 Feb 2010.
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