Author name: uffvir

Reviews: H2O: A Biography of Water

H2O: A Biography of Water. A book by Philip Ball.

“Ball engages fearlessly with all the questions most non-scientists can never answer: how hydrogen and oxygen came to combine following the Big Bang; why water freezes from the top down; why snowflakes have six points; and how water came to cover two-thirds of our planet. He writes clearly, humorously and with an enviable range of literary allusions about a subject which would tie others in knots. This is a science book to recommend highly.” Charles Clover, Daily Telegraph

Reviews: DESIGNING THE MOLECULAR WORLD: Chemistry at the Frontier

Designing the Molecular World: Chemistry at the Frontier, a book by Philip Ball

“Lucidly written, with an acute awareness of recent advances and an excellent understanding of their intrinsic scientific content.” Sir Harold Kroto, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, Physics World

“Designing the Molecular World is a tour de force of popular science writing: nothing less than a survey, in considerable depth, of the frontiers of modern chemistry.”John Postgate, The Times Literary Supplement

Homunculus Theatre Company

Humunculus Theatre Company logoHomunculus Theatre Company is a figment of the imagination that materializes, from time to time, to bring strange visions into the theatre at an intimate scale. Here you will find a blend of physical and visual theatre, music, puppetry, story telling – and explosive chemistry. Homunculus is about engaging all the senses, about the potential of theatre to create magic, to delight and astound.

Formed in 1998, Homunculus is coordinated by Philip Ball, who has trained in physical theatre, mask, clown and other dramatic techniques.


Philip Ball performs with Homunculus theatre Company2008: Homunculus was awarded a grant from the Wellcome Trust to develop and stage a new show about Paracelsus in collaboration with Shifting Sands Theatre Company, directed by Gerry Flanagan. Philip Ball acted as an adviser to develop a text with Gerry and his company. The play went on a national tour in Spring 2009.

“The Sun and Moon Corrupted” A play about the passionate pursuit of wrong ideas. This play, written in 2001, was developed into a novel: see Books.

“Triptych” Performed at the White Bear Theatre, Kennington, London, in September 1998.

“Misappropriation” In collaboration with Critical State Company, performed as part of the Brighton Fringe Festival 1999.

“Paracelsus the Great” Performed at the White Bear Theatre, Kennington, London, March 2000, and on 30 September and 1 October at the V&A Museum, South Kensington, London. The latter performance was part of the Creating Sparks Festival of Science and Art that ran throughout September 2000. Using monologue, narration, music and puppetry, this play tells the story of the legendary sixteenth-century alchemist and physician Paracelsus, who bridges the mysticism of the Middle Ages and the rationalism of the Enlightenment. Against the backdrop of Luther’s Reformation, which brings conflict and war to Christendom, Paracelsus wanders through Europe and Asia Minor like a vagabond, berating apothecaries and scholars, rewriting the book of medicine, falling in and out of miraculous adventures, and quenching his sorrows at many a roadside inn.

The Crawick Multiverse

An article about an extraordinary meeting to celebrate an equally extraordinary landscape sculpture, in June 2015.

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The Saga of the Sunstones

An exploration of what historians and archaeologists say about the hypothesis that Vikings used “sunstones” with special optical properties to navigate.
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